Will it be true that there are positions that favor the conception of a baby? Are there better positions to remain a pregnant woman? Or is it an only one myth of so many people that make a detour to the pregnancy? The specialists do not agree.
Some of them think that yes it is possible to help to the work of the sperms in way towards the ovum, others indicate that there is nothing that affects the work of the nature.
It seems that the key is in the gravity law. To big features, any position in which the sperms do a descending or horizontal way towards the interior of the womb, would be beneficial.
On the contrary, it is necessary to avoid any vertical position, because the semen is expelled more quickly towards out from the vagina.
As not slope nothing to do the test, let's see which the different positions are to remain a pregnant woman.
Basically, what they recommend the experts are the positions where a major penetration is achieved, therefore the semen stays the closer possible of the neck of the womb.
- the traditional position of the missionary
- sideways, with the man behind
- put to bed, raising the pelvis with a pillow.
Also there recommend to remain reclining approximately fifteen minutes (contra-indicated if you are inclined to the urinal infections), or to pedal in the air during a few minutes.
Has the orgasm to do? It seems that yes. The contractions that the womb realizes at the moment of the orgasm can help to the sperms to move.
He remembers that the sperms have to enter for the neck of the womb and continue trip up to the horns of Falopio, where finally they will meet the ovum. From three hundred to four hundred million sperms that settle in the vagina, four or five millions will come to the womb, between three hundred and five hundred they will reach the Falopio horns and finally, the only one will penetrate the ovum.
Of this only combination your baby will be born.
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