So much to look for a pregnancy as to avoid it, is of supreme utility to know which your fertile days are. It is a simple calculation, but to have certainties it is necessary that your menstrual cycles are regular.
The women we are fertile when we ovulate. Once per month every woman liberates an ovum prompt to be fertilized. If this ovum is not fertilized, to 14 days it will eliminate it together with remains of blood and textile: this is neither more nor less than the menstruation.
Although any women realize when they ovulate, the majority does not have the most minimal idea. There are certain indications that allow us to calculate the days of ovulation, like the flow or small abdominal inconveniences, up to changes of humor, but there are no very clear signs.
What you can do to know with accuracy when you will ovulate is, first of all, to continue for some months your cycles. Note down them in a calendar for major safety, although you rely on your memory one day be able to do the difference.
Now the question is: how to calculate the days of ovulation? Well, the calculation is this one: you must remain 14 days to the date of your next menstruation to calculate your ovulation. If you menstruate every 28 days, it is a very easy calculation, they are 14 days old earlier or after the first day of your rule.
If your cycles are different, you have longer or shorter periods, must pay attention. For example, in a cycle of 30 days you must calculate that day will fall down your next rule and then you deduct 14 days.
Why to count backwards? So because invariably, to 14 days of ovulating the menstruation takes place. The first part of the cycle, before the ovulation this is what changes woman to woman and determines the short or long of the cycle.
Generally if they do not overcome 35 days, the cycles are considered to be normal. If they go on from 35 a specialist is necessary to consult. Sometimes there are anatomical or hormonal problems.
More or less days it is not the important thing, but what is key in this calculation that these periods are constant. If one month your period was 23 days and to the following one of 28, it is almost impossible to predict your future ovulation with this method.
For that there exist some tests of ovulation similar to the test of pregnancy that can assure you if you are in your fertile days or not.
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