To take care of your feeding during the pregnancy is very important so that so much you like the baby they are healthy, also according to a new investigation realized in Japan to eat big quantity of fruits and vegetables reduces the possibility of having a baby with certain allergies.
To prevent your baby from having eczema in the skin it is advisable to consume green and yellow, citric vegetables and vegetables and fruits rich in beta caroteno (generally those of red and orange color). On the other hand the food rich in vitamin E diminishes the risk of having a son with respiratory problems.
To realize the study the investigators evaluated 763 women and the early appearance of eczema or sibilancias allergic in his children.
Apparently the women who ate the biggest quantity of green and yellow, citric vegetables or with beta caroteno during the pregnancy they were less inclined to have a baby with eczema.
And the high vitamin consumption E in the pregnancy was associated with a reduction of the possibility of having a baby with sibilancias.
A new test of the importance of the feeding, and you: how do you take care of your baby?
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