Thursday, November 5, 2009

The best Halloween sweets to avoid escapades


This Saturday is Halloween and I imagine that with all the tips and advices that we have been giving you, already you must have everything planned. Disguise, holiday, decoration and games so that your children spend the only day and do not forget it any more. Do not forget that he is one day old so that they disguise themselves as these personages who so much are afraid: witches, bogeys, zombies, monsters, chandeliers and more. And this way learn to that the fear that they have to them when they see it for the TV is unjustified.

There is a detail of this celebration into which we still have not relapsed. Some escencial and without which Halloween would not be the same. I am speaking about such long-awaited sweets, which are the only thing in exchange for which escapades will not be done. We all must have in our houses a fair amount of prepared caramels for when they come to beat to our door. Do you want to know what the best sweets are for Halloween? Find out it after the jump.

(I resided …)

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