Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to prepare that your child is contagious of louses


A few days ago we were speaking to them about this evil that all the children and all the mothers suffer when the children begin to be appended by friends and to go to the school: the contagion of the undesirable louses. This small animalcule that lives in the head of your creature and feeds on your blood often can turn out to be difficult to fight. It is for it that today we will gather to offer to you some advices to prepare the transmission of louses.

To simple sight it is very difficult to realize if your child has louses or not. A clear symptom is to view if the head scratches very often. But to be secure the best thing is to inspect meticulously the hair of your son at least once a week. He observes with elegance if your scalp presents injuries, and hopes that I hope you see some bishush walking over there.

Other advices to be born in mind to prevent your child from infecting the louse s trying is that it does not append your heads with those of other children. It is precisely this moment in which the louses are scrolled from hair to hair and from child to child.

(I resided …)

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