Monday, October 12, 2009

How to do a Halloween bat with the skill of the Origami


The holiday that incites children and big, to disguise itself, to play and to amuse itself making pass for witches, bogeys and pumpkins, is increasingly close. But the holiday is not restricted only to the night of October 31. Halloween and your colors flood everything during every October. Do not remain out of the celebration, you can decorate your house, create disguises and think games for this date without need to put yourself in expenses.

Today I bring to you a new alternative to prepare with your children and that also serves to you to decorate your house for this so special night. It is processed as a few curious bats that black color and creativity are created simply with role. Quite thanks to the incredible skill of origami, of which we have already spoken them and also showed how to do the figure of a tender kitten.

He learns step by step how to make origami skill a múrciélago with está, and fills your bats house crashing of all sides.

(I resided …)

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